University President Participates in Palestinian Grape Festival and Visits Alaroub Branch

The President of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie Prof. Nour Abu-Rub took part in the events of the Palestinian Grape festival 2018 entitled “Honey in Hebron’s Grape” which was organized in partnership with Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie under the auspices of the Prime Minister, civil and official representatives, Hebron Chamber of Commerce, public and private sectors, and a crowd of attendants. The University President also conducted a visit to Alaroub branch to express his appreciation to the organizers of the exhibition and to the great efforts of students who contributed in the festival, thanking the supervising crew of Alaroub for their successful participation. It is worth mentioning that Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie has participated in a special booth in the festival for the first time in which the students’ products were introduced.