The participants in the Symposium on the Palestinian Women, which was held at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie with the participation of tens of pioneering women from different sectors and in presence of the University President Prof Marwan Awartani, concluded recommendations to develop a comprehensive national strategy to align the Palestinian legislation with CEDAW Convention that guarantees the active participation of women in the society.
The symposium called for the maximization of attention towards the marginalized group of women with special needs and to involve them in education and the labor market throughout the investment in the productive sectors to reduce the increasing employment rate and create Palestinian professional women able to contribute in the economic development.
Women Role Enhancement
During the opening session, which focused on two main topics including the Palestinian legislative system and success stories by pioneering women, the University President Assistant for Public and Community Relations, Ahmad Ammar explained that PTUK meant to hold this type of seminars to empower the pioneering leaders of women in different levels.
For her part, the Dean of Planning and Development Dr. Mokarram Abbas stated that the aim of the symposium is to enhance the role of women and to achieve the university’s vision empowering women in the society as an entitlement to her political influences and pioneering role in the Palestinian cause, in addition to the identification of the current legislations that would promote theestablishment of conditionsfor their sustainable social and economic development in the community.
Women and Legislation
The Chairperson of Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees Dr. Nada Tweer opened the first session focusing on women in the Palestinian legislative system. She explained that modification in the system requires serious actions and attitudes. The participants also called for real recommendations without forgetting the current situation under Israeli occupation.
Ms. Magda El Masry, who reviewed the real situation of Palestinian women under the Israeli occupation, presented a brief introduction about the participation of Palestinian women in the history of struggle through armed struggle, political process and party work, in addition to women's participation in various fields including human rights, administrative agendas and security aspects. She also talked about the violations and anxieties against women by the occupation, calling foradopting a strategy to engaging incoalitions - building in support of women protection against the occupation.
The Legal Consultant in Ministry of Women Ms. Wafa’ Al-Araj pointed out the most significant parameters of the Convention on the Eliminationof All Forms of Discrimination against Women “CEDAW”, considering Palestine’s accession to 2014 convention a great accomplishment. She also reviewed the first formal report presented to the CEDAW convention in 2017 and the most underpins it focused on.
The legal consultant in Al-Haq Institution Mr. Ashraf Abu Hayya addressed the issue of Palestinian domestic legislations alignment with the international human rights conventions that include Palestine, observing the most significant impediments that hinder the current legislation to advance into development.
Women Success Stories
In the second session, Ms. Ma’ali Barqawi, who was the chairperson, thanked PTUK for hosting such events which fosters the development and enhancement of women’s role in the society.
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics PCBS, Ms. Ola Awad introduced an overview of women status in statistics 2017, reviewing the numbers according to geographical and age contribution as well as literacy rate, education and labor market shares compared to males.
The session also included success stories of the businesswomen: “Ms. Maha Abu Shosha” and “Ms. Manal Zreiq” who talked about their experience in the world of business by stating their most significant stages of their successful progress and the impediments that face the Palestinian working women, in addition to the Director of Public Relations of the Palestinian Intelligence Service, Lieutenant Colonel Ms. Hala Bleidi who talked about her experience in the security sector.
The participants called in the final conclusions for the expeditious deployment of the international conventions in the official gazette to be enforced in the judicial decisions and to comply with the obligations of the concluding observations and recommendations issued by CEDAW in the United Nations regarding the initial report of the State of Palestine as well as the accession totheoptional protocol thereto which will allow the individual complaints to be filed in cases of any discrimination against women.
The participants also stressed the necessity to promote theeconomic rights of womenin the related legislations such as the labor law, social security and insurance and to value the complimentary role between men and women in the different sectors.