Palestinian Grapes Festival 2018: PTUK Al Aroub Signifies Engagement in Societal Issues

Bringing out the students’ creative abilities and maximizing support of societal issues to sustain development and economic empowerment were the main concluding topics of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie / Al Aroub branch during their participation in the events of the Palestinian Grapes Festival 2018, which was organized by North Hebron Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. The University Organizing Committee Member, Dr. Mohammad Qabaja explained that PTUK had participated in a special booth that included products made by the Food Processingstudents and academic staff and presented high quality and competitive goods, in addition to the production of films and paintings that attracted the citizens’ admiration and concern. In this context, the University President Prof Nour Abu-Rub praised the students’ efforts and their participation in the selling process to show their pioneering ideas and projects of technical production, manufacturing and marketing the grapes, expressing his pride of the university’s engagement in the festival which gives rise to sustaining agricultural and economic development for the local economy. “This will show the students’ creativity and competencies and will also open new horizons that foster their engagement in the local community,”he added