E-Learning Center Graduates First Batch of G Suite for Education and Moodle Participants

E-Learning Center at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie has graduated its first batch of participants who took a complete course in the G Suite for Education (Google Educational Apps) and Moodle program for eLearning (beginner level) in presence of the University Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Mutamid Al Khatib, the Center’s director Dr. Khitam Shreim and the trainer Yasmeen Abu Haseera. Dr. Al Khatib spoke about the center’s role in raising the academic staff’s technical level expressing more cooperation to come throughout the providence of workshops and training courses. For her part, Dr. Shreim delivered a detailed explanation highlighting the importance of these courses in leveraging the university’s status in technical learning, adding that these courses will continue to be held during the academic season so as to be available for everyone. Yasmeen Abu Hassera introduced the main idea behind organizing such courses which is not only theoretical understanding but also practical application on how to use and transfer this kind of technology to the students.