Kadoorie University Organizesa Closing Ceremony for the Graduates of the COC Center

PalestineTechnical University-Kadoorie organized a celebratory ceremony to honor graduates enrolled in the courses offered by the Center of Competence for Fashion Design and the Manufacturing of Wearing Apparel (COC)in partnership with Tulkarem’sChamber of Commerce and GIZ Foundationfunding. The trainings offered were directed towards the teaching of fashion design and TOT. The former were funded by the philanthropist- Mufid Mahmoud and the latter by the GIZ Foundation. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of Technical and Vocational Training at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education- Jihad Deridi, the President of the Chamber of Commerce- Ibrahim Abu Hassib, GIZ Representative-RanaHanbali, representatives of the Employers' Union, the Labor Directorate, the Directorate of Social Development, the representativeof the donorMufid Mahmoud and more than 180 graduates who successfully completed their courses in the fields of design, fashion and sewing. In this context, the vice president for academic affairs- Dr. Mallakstressed the university’s aptitude to prepare qualified technical graduates with scientific and practical capacity to meet the needs of the local community. In turn, GIZ representative-RanaHanbali explained that the objective of the project is to reduce the gap between the needs of the community and the professional and technical specialties.